The Checkout Tech

Manuals and Support for Cash Registers and Scales

YOU ARE HERE  :  Key Sheet Creator v3
Version: 3.0
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Upload an existing project file (.KSF or .JSON)
Select your model:
Measure up your keyboard:
The width of the keyboard in millimeters
The height of the keyboard in millimeters
The number of keys from left to right
The number of keys from top to bottom
open Click here to see how to measure up your keyboard
Get a ruler that has millimeters on it, you will need to measure the whole size of your keyboard.
Measure from the left edge of the left most key, to the right edge of the right most key.
(example = 270)
Do the same from the top key, to the bottom key. (example = 118)
Count the number of keys from left to right. (example = 13)
Count the number of keys from top to bottom. (example = 9)
Enter these measurments in to the 4 input boxes in the red section.
Click Start

Measuring a rectangular keyboard:

measuring the horz of a square keyboard    measuring the horz of a square keyboard

Measuring an L shaped keyboard:

measuring the horz of a square keyboard    measuring the horz of a square keyboard

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